Florissant City Media-FCTV

called 'Fleurissant,' or 'Blooming' in English, by its French settlers and 'St. Ferdinand' by its Spanish rulers

Show Detail: Classic Propaganda Films of the Cold War Era…Invasion USA-1952, Red Nightmare-1962, Rocket Attack U.S.A.-1961



Event Date:





Propaganda, Drama, Thriller, Sci-fi


Producer, Default


Perhaps these propaganda films, produced during the cold war era, are even more relevant today? You decide… INVASION USA- A group of people at a bar witness the unfolding events of a Soviet invasion of the USA.-Drama Scifi. Starring: Gerald Mohr, Peggie Castle, Dan O'Herlihy. RED NIGHTMARE-A man who has taken his freedom for granted wakes up one morning to find out that the Communists have taken over America. 1962 –Drama Narrated by Jack Webb Starring: Jack Kelly, Jeanne Cooper, Peter Brown, Pat Woodell, Andrew Duggan, Peter Breck, Robert Conrad, Mike Road, Jack Webb. ROCKET ATTACK USA-An American secret agent tries to stop the Soviets from launching an intercontinental missile at the mainland United States. Starring- Monica Davis, John McKay, Phillip St. George. 1961 THRILLER

Schedule Information:

This show is not currently scheduled.